Blechnum spicant

Blechnum spicant

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Aspect Description
Common Name Hard Fern
Scientific Name Blechnum spicant
Description Blechnum spicant, commonly known as Hard Fern, is a perennial fern native to Europe, Asia, and North America. It is a compact fern with arching, glossy fronds that emerge from a central crown. The fronds are composed of numerous leaflets that give them a feathery appearance. The leaflets are leathery and dark green, providing an attractive contrast to other plants in the garden. Hard Fern is a versatile plant that can tolerate a wide range of growing conditions. It is commonly used in shaded woodland gardens, rock gardens, and as ground cover in moist areas. It prefers moist, well-drained soil and thrives in partial to full shade.
Height 30 centimetres
Spread 30 centimetres
Frond Type Arching, glossy fronds
Leaflets Numerous, leathery, dark green leaflets
Growth Habit Clumping, spreading
Soil Requirements Moist, well-drained soil
Soil Types Various soil types, prefers fertile soil
Drainage Good drainage is essential
Shade Tolerance Partial shade to full shade
Temperature Hardy 
Watering Regular watering, keeping soil evenly moist
Maintenance Remove old or damaged fronds as needed

Blechnum spicant, or Hard Fern, is a charming perennial fern that adds a touch of lush greenery to shaded areas of the garden. With its arching fronds and glossy, dark green leaflets, it provides an elegant and textural element. It is adaptable to various soil types and can thrive in both partial and full shade conditions.