Planting Hedging - The questions answered

Planting a Hedge
Apart from the 'What evergreen Hedging is there?', i always get asked about winter bare root and rootball hedging, How far apart should they be, how deep should they go, do you cut away the hessian sacking?
So here is a brief synopsis to help you plant hedging. We have worked on you know what you want to plant at the outset.
1. How many do i need?
Well, this does divide some gardeners but but my basic rule of thumb is based on height of the shrub. For anything taller than 4 foot, you should be looking at about 2 per meter. If below this height i would say 2.5 - 3 per meter depending how small.
Think about the ends of the hedge, you may not be able to plant here due to a fence or walkway so you may need to deduct one or two,
What about Mini-hedging?
For things like Choisya or Euonymous Green Spire, some may go for 4 per meter but you need to judge how tall you want to let your hedge grow and its spread to see if it will knit together nicely. If this is the case then 4 per meter, if taller, then less as the shrub will get too big for its area and ultimately fail due to too much competition for space and water.
2. What is the difference between bare root and rootball?
The main difference is nothing to do with the size of the shrub or tree, it's the roots, Bare root is transported with no soil and Rootball does and is usually wrapped in a hessian sack and sometimes wrapped in a metal lightweight mesh.
3. How do i plant Rootball?
Nice and easy, as it arrives. Do not take off the sacking as you run the risk of disrupting the soil around the roots which may case air pockets which means water can't get to them in spring and even ice damage from the frosts in winter.
4. What preparation do i need to do?
For bare root, extra compost, fertiliser and mycorrhizal fungi all help to add drainage and help the shrubs/trees bed in but not necessary if you don't.
For Root ball, just put in the ground as it is. Make sure you 'heal in' the soil around the shrub to ensure there are no air pockets, the shrub won't move too easily in the wind. Plant to where the hessian is just below the ground, it will eventually disintegrate. There will be a faint line where the shrub or tree has previously been planted, try to get as close to that as possible and burring it too deep can mean the stem can rot and die.
Do i need to dig a trench or a hole?
Personally, whatever you have the energy for, either are fine.
How much do i need to water?
Do not over water in winter, chances are it will rain a lot!! Just make sure in spring and summer for the first year they are watered solidly a couple of times a week, a quick spray will not cut it!! Watering everyday can put a strain on the shrub/tree and can also kill it. you Will notice this is the leaves start turning yellow and falling off and the soil is soaked.
Warning: In the industry is excepted that unless you are using pots, which have a complete root system when being planted, you should be prepared for a failure or two as these shrubs/trees are dug out of the ground and sometimes, the removal process and stress the plant too much.